It’s Sunday, February 9, 2025 and 57°F in Austin, Texas

Why We Love Pinterest

It's a great new tool for marketing

Everybody seems to be talking about Pinterest.  Companies here in Austin and across the world are exploring ways to integrate it into leading edge web design.  In the last week I have had a number of people ask us for ideas on how to integrate Pinterest and how it works.

Pinterest Development Company Austin

As people travel the web they see images they like.  Perhaps you are looking for home decorating ideas, planning a garden or putting together a virtual Christmas list.  Pinterest can help you organize and share all of these things you find on the web.  Think about creating a collection of your favorite recipes or fabric samples.  Plan your wedding or define and share your personal style with Pinterest. You can do all of this and, best of all, browse other pinboards created by other people. Think of the great ideas, new discoveries and inspiration you could get from other people who share your interests.

Pinterest has a mission - "to connect everyone in the world through the 'things' they find interesting."  - and it seems to be working.  In March Pinterest had 18.7 million unique visitors - compare this to 4,500 reported for last May.  85% of Pinterest users are women.

We think every company that offers products for the home or personal style could benefit from integrating Pinterest into their sites.  Pallasart, an innovative web design company in Austin, can help you understand how Pinterest works and how to implement us.  Contact us to learn more and let's talk about your marketing objectives on the web.

Bob Atchison

Austin Texas Web Design