It’s Tuesday, January 14, 2025 and 37°F in Austin, Texas
Ancestry Research
GEDmatch Used to Snare Golden Gate Killer - Hackers Get MyHeritage Data
As you have probably read it has been extensively reported that Golden Gate Killer was found using data from GEDmatch. It's an amazing story.
Native American Ancestry DNA - am I descended from Pocahontas?
Since I wrote my last article on Pocahontas I have received dozens of emails and telephone calls from people asking this question. Here's my answer.
Comparing My Results to GEDMatch
I was amazed when I took my raw DNA test data from and ran it through GEDMatch. My Eurogenes K36 and other tests showed amazing information won't give you
Pocahontas ancestry and DNA - Sullivan Family Connection
How I discovered my ancestor Pocahontas and her Sullivan family descendants of Northern Virginia using the web - a genealogy posting by Bob Atchison.
Cherokee ancestry - Shoe Boots, Clarinda Ellington and my DNA DNA test verifies Bob Atchison's descent from a Cherokee chief and his wife, who was captured in a 1797 raid on Morgan's Station, Kentucky.
How can I figure out my Jewish DNA?
More and more people are wanting to learn more about their family roots and origins. Researching Jewish Heritage and Jewish Genealogy is different than for most people.
Is Nick Long Jr. Fred Astaire's Younger Brother?
Meet Nick Long Jr. the forgotten dancing star of Broadway Melody of 1936.
Researching Jewish Ancestry - Finding Uncle Nat
My name is Rob Moshein and my Grandmother's family has been a mystery for me to trace. There are no records for her family, Feldman, from Poland where she was born. I know she came from a town called Miedzyrech, pronounced "Mid-zrich", as she had told me so, and there are a few mentions of it in some records. Here's a blog post on how I found Uncle Nat.
Why Can't I Find My Irish Ancestors?
Don't give up on finding your Irish Roots - here's how we helped a friend build her tree.
Rognvald Lord of Orkney - Kievan Rus - Viking Dogs
Profile of my 32nd great Grandfather, Viking Lord of Orkney, who was assassinated by Thorkel Forsterer in 1046.
Moskowitz or Frank? Researching Jewish Roots
Discovering more about my Moshein Moskowitz ancestry. How I finally solved a family mystery.